بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥī
Dear brothers and sisters, please mark your calendars to celebrate the end of 'Eid Al Fitr as a community. We will get together at Centennial Central Park, close to the Masjid Khadeejah site, InshaAllah.
Centennial Park itself offers excellent amenities for children. However, parents will need to supervise their children during playtime. Also, remember that the park playgrounds will not be limited to potluck participants and must be shared with others who might want to use them.

As for our community, we will have a covered picnic area and an extensive open lawn for our enjoyment. The event will be potluck style, and you can sign up using the QR code on the flyer or click the link to the Google form. Your response will give us an idea of how many people will participate in the event. There will be a few different vendors introducing their products, and our volunteers are also setting up a bake sale to add variety to our celebration, InshaAllah. Masjid Khadeejah volunteers are prepping some fun games and activities for our enjoyment. As we put all of our heads together, we can make this celebration a big success.

Below are some of the features of Centennial Central Park.
There are two separate playgrounds to accommodate a wide range of playing skills. The big kid area has a playground that looks like a treehouse. There are rope obstacle courses and a large climbing net structure. The park has a few swings: baby swings, regular swings, and disc swings. There are a few musical instruments throughout the big kid area. In addition, there are multiple sand play areas (including one with excavators). Playground ground covering is a poured rubber mat throughout the toddler area and mulch throughout the big kid area. Note that the splash pad in the park will not be accessible, as it opens on May 24th.

Please click here to sign up here for the potluck or scan the QR code on the flyer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan
